Your IP has been blocked from this server.

This is usually the result of too many failed login attempts from your location. This means you likely have the wrong password either for Cpanel or for one of your email accounts.

Option 1

You can try to unblock yourself using ReCAPTCHA:

Please note: Not all unblock requests will be successful as it is dependent on the reason your IP is blocked. If it fails, please submit a ticket below.

Option 2

Submit a ticket with the following information and we will unblock you:

Your blocked IP address is:

The hostname of this server is:

Submit a ticket here


Why did I get blocked?

The most common reason this kind of block happens is when you have a device checking email automatically every few minutes and it has the wrong password. The second most common reason is having an incorrect Cpanel password. After 10 failed attempts, you are automatically blocked.

Why do I keep getting blocked?

If you have an incorrect password set in your phone, and it is set to keep checking, you will continually get re-blocked until you fix it. You can request a temporary whitelist of one hour when you submit a ticket. We can also help you determine which email is responsible for the failed authorization attempts.

What does this block affect?

This block affects your ability to connect to the server, meaning you cannot see your website, log in to Cpanel, or check your email. It does not affect anyone else's ability to see your website. An IP address is assigned to each internet connection, so you will have a different IP if you connect via home wifi or via cellular data.

How can I avoid getting blocked?

We recommend using a password manager to store your Cpanel password, and double-check all your devices have the correct email passwords.